
The Writing was on The Door

This most amazing thing happened to me yesterday, what a gift!
In the past week my sister, her husband and I have been preparing a space at Bem General for massage therapy and reflexology sessions. I was replacing a door, which I had removed when we first moved into the store to create more space. As we continue to refine our offerings and create a place for community to gather once again, we arrange and rearrange, paint and repaint, add and remove until we get it just right. Yesterday I went to the upstairs loft to retrieve a door for REhanging, I noticed a yellowed piece of paper pasted to it just above the door handle. I was in a hurry as our first client was arriving in a few hours so I thought, I need to read that later-- see just what it says.
After hanging the door, I was checking the latch and that yellowed piece of paper was right at eye level.
These are the words:
It is only in giving that we receive.
It is only by sharing that others believe.
How can we have if we don't even give
A bit of our love so that others can live?
When we open our hearts and our dreams up to see
We take a big chance, just between you and me
People may laugh, some may scoff at our style
But finding a dreamer makes it worthwhile
So see the big picture it's easy to do
Don't let the dream stealers take it from you
Know in your heart what you're doing is right
Fix firmly your goals and keep them in sight.

That last bit really got me, took my breath away really. How could it be that right at that moment, those words were revealed!? My heart is grateful to the author who wrote those words down, the paster who pasted them to the door, and the dreamers AND doers that live and work with me daily.
I repasted the peeling edges and sealed them with several coats of mod-podge, which I just happened to have on hand...let's just say I pretty much carry that stuff around in my back pocket.
Here's to open hearts, minds, and dreams, friends!